Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hablas ingles?

With many of our volunteers coming from America, Australia and Europe, English and Spanish are the common languages of the club. Some basic English is also very valuable for the kids (and their parents) especially when the time comes to look for work. We aim to provide regular English lessons at the club; one lesson for the older kids and one for the smaller ones. Recently, one of the mums has even started taking lessons.

Whether you have teaching experience or not, your help will be appreciated; even if you are not leading the session, a few extra people to assist is always extremely helpful and gives the kids a bit of the one-on-one support they need. If you are interested to help adults learn English, we may be able to put you in touch with the kids' parents or other adults in the community so that you can help them outside club hours. They are often interested in the opportunity as English lessons can be prohibitively expensive for them.

Most of the older kids do learn some English at school but the age range, ability and concentration levels (!) vary widely so we try to keep it fun and simple.

Learning colours by singing a song....

... and colouring in!

A well earned snack.

Of course all the kids are fluent in the international language of football!

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