We decided that we would give each child who came to the center their own journal- to write or draw in every day, either with exercises or free write/draw. They keep the journals at the center but it is a good way for us to learn more about them and for them to be able to express their thoughts, feelings, and hopes. We have included two examples, both of which were written in Spanish, but which we translated into English.
The first couple days, we had the children doing a variety of projects, one of which was creating an acrostic poem with their name and adjectives describing themselves. This is from one of our ten year olds.
Yo Me Llamo Ignacio.
Nariz Bueno
Orgulloso de Boca Juniors
Yo Me Llamo Ignacio.
My name is Ignacio.
Good Nose
Proud of Boca Juniors (the Boca neighborhood’s soccer team)
My name is Ignacio.
This is from an exercise we did with the children on what they wanted to be when they grew up. We asked them to pick a job, illustrate it and give us some reasons why they chose that profession. This is from one of a seven year old who has not missed a day of Club Acorn yet.
Cuando sea grande, quiero ser policia. Porque querio salvar a la gente. Quiero atrapar a los ladrones. Quiero proteger la puerta de la entrada.
When I grow up, I want to be a policeman. Because I want to save people. I want to capture the robbers. I want to protect my front door.
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