Tuesday, December 21, 2010

La fiesta de Navidad!

The Chistmas Party!

Last week we held a Christmas party for the kids at the club... and it went very well! All the kids made Christmas cards and here are a few photos that we took at the party. All the volunteers donated a little money and we were able to raise enough between us to buy each of the kids a present... I can't tell you how happy they were!

They were happy but, at the same time, sad because the club will be closed during January for the summer break. Also, they were scared that the club might not run next year. The kids really want the club to continue and to not be left without it.

We have a huge responsibility to the kids of Club Union de los Pibes and we need your help. Please be so kind as to donate a little bit of money to the club so that we can find and rent a new place for our kids in the new year... think of it as your Christmas present to the kids!

Many thanks and Happy Christmas!


La semana pasada hicimos una fiesta de Navidad por los niños del club... y salió muy bien! Todos los niños hicieron tarjetas de Navidad y aqui tienen ustedes algunas fotos que tomamos de la fiesta. Todos los voluntarios donamos un poquito de dinero y reunimos suficiente para comprar regalos para todos los niños... No hay palabras para describir la alegría de nuestros pibes!

Los pibes estaban felices pero, en el mismo tiempo, tristes porque teníamos que cerrar durante enero. Tambien tienen miedo de que no volvamos. Los chicos quieren que volvamos y no los dejemos!

Es una gran responsabilidad y necesitamos su ayuda. Por favor, sean tan amables de donar poquito de dinero para que podamos encontrar y rentar un lugar para nuestros pibes en el año nuevo... como un regalo de Navidad para los pibes!

Muchas gracias y feliz Navidad!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

'Vos amis' son nuestros amigos

Read a short piece about Club Union de los Pibes, published online today at the following link:

Thanks to Le Petit Journal and its readers for their support.
Merci beaucoup!

(Le Petit Journal is an online newspaper. They have page aimed at the French speaking population of Buenos Aires.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Taekwondo at Union de los Pibes

Here are a few photos from the Taekwondo classes that one of our volunteers, Rafa, has been leading at the club.

We are always happy for our volunteers to pass on their skills and enthusiasm to the kids. The kids enjoy the opportunity to take part in activities that they might not otherwise have access to.

Thanks Rafa!