Saturday, September 25, 2010

Club Union de los Padres...?

Last Thursday we invited the kids' parents along to show them what we've been doing at the club and to share a snack with us.

Thanks to all our volunteers for organising all the activities and of course to the kids for taking part!

The kids were proud to show off their work...

...and they performed some songs they're learning in their singing classes.

Later everyone had a well deserved snack...

...and one of the mums certainly enjoyed herself...

...or perhaps she was just impressed at the size of the cake!

More photos on our flickr site.

Monday, September 13, 2010

¡Pibes cantores..!!

No serán los Niños cantores de Viena, pero... Sí que se hacen notar jeje... Aunque Bryan es mejor para dormir jajajja.

Singing kids...!!
They're not quite the von Trapp family children, but... if you hadn't noticed, he he.... Bryan still sleeps better than he sings, ha ha ha.

Many thanks to Camille and Nienke for leading the singing classes.

Arteterapia ¡Poniendo su propio sello...!!

Una de las cosas más importantes para nuestros pibes, es poner su propio sello en la creación de un trabajo artístico. Hoy se dejaron llevar por su gran imaginación exponiendo su creatividad en este hermoso collage. ¿Verdad que es ¡Hermoso!?

Art Therapy: Make your mark!
One of the most important things for our kids, is making their own mark during the creation of a work of art. Today they let their imaginations run wild and displayed their creativity in this beautiful collage. It is beautiful, isn't it?!

Una tarde de licuados UMMMHHHH...!!!

Que importantes se sienten nuestros pibes cuando participan en la preparación de su propia merienda.... Hoy hicieron un rico licuado de bananas con leche. Ummmmhhhhhhh....!!!

An afternoon of milkshakes MMMmmmmm...!!!
How important our kids feel when they participate in the preparation of their own snacks... today they made a tasty banana milkshake. Mmmmmm....!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day trip to the Childrens' Museum

El pasado sábado 28 de agosto, como regalo y motivo de celebración del Día de los niños, fuimos de paseo al Museo de los Niños! ( Los chicos y voluntarios jugamos a ser conductores de radio, de colectivos, médicos, banqueros, arquitectos, periodistas, etc.! Recorrimos todos los juegos y espacios de aprendizaje, y no pudo faltar un partido de futbol en la canchita del diario Clarín, donde los chicos muy orgullosos jugaron con sus remeras de Unión de los Pibes. Los chicos se divirtieron muchísimo y los grandes volvimos a ser chicos. Muchas gracias a Laura Castro (Guía del museo) por habernos invitado a pasar una tarde inolvidable!

On Saturday 28th August, as a treat to celebrate Childrens' Day, we went to the Childrens' Museum! The kids and the volunteers pretended to be radio presenters, bus conductors, doctors, bankers, architects, reporters etc! We went round all the games and learning zones and we couldn't leave without having a game of football on the little pitch at the museum, where the kids played proudly in their Union de los Pibes football shirts. The kids really enjoyed themselves and the older ones enjoyed being kids for the day! Many thanks to Laura Castro (Museum Guide) for inviting us to spend an unforgettable afternoon at the museum!